Winnie – new member of ICLD Advisory Group

ICLD is delighted to announce our new member in ICLD Advisory Group – professor Winnie V. Mitullah from Kenya.
– I hope to bring into the ICLD Advisory Board research experience on local governance, engagement with policy makers and practitioners at the local level, and a network of scholars and development practitioners, says Winnie.
Winnie is the current Director and Associate Research Professor of Development Studies at the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), and the Director of Gender Affairs, University of Nairobi, with which ICLD has an MoU. She holds a PhD in Political Science and Public Administration from the University of York, UK. Her PhD thesis was on Urban Housing, with a major focus on policies relating to low-income housing.
Winnie is also a well-cited scholar with a long list of relevant publications related to local governance, democracy and urban marginalised groups. She is also the chair of the University of Nairobi UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks.
Welcome Winnie!