Tag: Gender

Women’s political representation and effective participation in Ngara, Tanzania

This action research project aimed at understanding the factors obstructing and enabling participation of women in the Ward Councils of Ngara, and design a policy intervention. The study employed qualitative methods including interviews, focus group discussions, and document reviews. Following empowerment theory, it reveals socio-economic, socio-cultural, and institutional factors hindering women’s participation, such as financial difficulties, lack of political knowledge, social norms and stereotypes. It also identifies individual, community, and institutional factors that positively influence women’s access to ward council positions, such as grassroots leadership experience, support from other women, mindset changes, and reduced gender stereotypes. The study emphasized the importance of quotas in enhancing women’s representation but reviews the factors obstructing equal influence. Overcoming these challenges is concluded as crucial for women to have an equal voice, access resources, and shape development plans, policies, and strategies. It highlights the need for women’s empowerment, resource sharing, and civil society support, and recommends additional leadership positions for women, coalition building, addressing gender-based violence, and promoting gender equality in nominations. The study concludes with targeted recommendations for local government, political parties, civil society and community members to promote gender equality and effective women’s participation in decision-making bodies.

This research is the result of an “impact research grant” – an innovative approach to research that starts from the policy end. Following the request from Ngara District Council in a Local Democracy Lab to investigate the barriers to women’s political participation in its wards, this project set out to study obstacles and enablers in a manner that involved the community to directly address them.

Publication Type
Research Reports
Project Area
Inclusive leadership and governance
Sustainable Development Goals
5 - Gender equality
Gender Equality
Forskning, Gender, Gender equality, research, tanzania,

Implementando el ODS 5 sobre laigualdad de género entre los gobiernos locales en Guatemala

English title: Implementing SDG 5 on Gender Equality in local governments in Guatemala


Este informe de investigación mapea el uso de diferentes mecanismos para incorporar la igualdad de género en 30 municipios de Guatemala. El estudio investiga los niveles de apoyo institucional, participación política, violencia sexual, empleo y políticas de cambio climático, en relación con las mujeres. Las autoras también analizan la implementación del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 5 sobre Igualdad de Género por parte de los municipios.

La investigación muestra que existe un marco legal, político e institucional fuerte que apoya iniciativas para avanzar en la implementación de procesos orientados a la igualdad de género y la garantía de los derechos de las mujeres. La jerarquización de las “Direcciones Municipales de la Mujer” (DMM) que existen en todos los municipios de Guatemala es un logro ya que les permite tener incidencia a nivel político. Sin embargo, aún falta presupuesto, espacio físico, voluntad política, coordinación con organismos y organizaciones sociales, así como reconocimiento dentro de las estructuras municipales.

Nota: esta es una versión preliminar del Informe de Investigación.

Abstract in English

This research report maps the use of different mechanisms to mainstream gender equality in 30 municipalities in Guatemala. The study investigates the levels of institutional support, political participation, sexual violence, employment, and climate change policies, with a gender perspective. The authors also analyse the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 on Gender Equality by the municipalities. The research shows that there is a strong legal, political, and institutional framework that supports initiatives to advance the implementation of processes aimed at gender equality and the guarantee of women’s rights. The hierarchy of the “Direcciones Municipales de la Mujer” (DMM) (Municipal Women’s Directorates in English) which exist in all municipalities in Guatemala is an important institution that can have an impact at the political level. However, there is still a lack of budget, physical space, political will, coordination with social organisations and agencies, as well as recognition within municipal structures.

Note: this is a preliminary version of the report.

Publication Type
Research Reports
Project Area
Inclusive leadership and governance
Sustainable Development Goals
5 - Gender equality
Gender Equality
Gender, Gender equality,

Implementando el ODS 5 sobre la igualdad de género entre los gobiernos locales en Colombia

English title: Implementing SDG 5 on Gender Equality in local governments in Colombia


Este informe de investigación mapea el uso de diferentes mecanismos para transversalizar la igualdad de género en 38 municipios de Colombia. El estudio investiga los niveles de apoyo institucional, participación política, violencia sexual, empleo y políticas de cambio climático, en relación con las mujeres. Los municipios seleccionados incluyen 19 capitales de departamento y 19 municipios menores priorizados por el gobierno colombiano para la implementación del acuerdo de paz denominados PDET. Las autoras también analizan la implementación del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 5 sobre Igualdad de Género por parte de los municipios. La investigación muestra una mejora significativa en la participación de las mujeres en la administración municipal. Sin embargo, también destaca que aún existen serias restricciones para que las mujeres participen en política, los recursos para programas de igualdad de género son muy limitados y es necesario fortalecer mecanismos institucionales como las comisiones de género. Además, las debilidades en la capacidad institucional y la falta de recursos de los gobiernos locales están limitando o debilitando la prestación de servicios, la garantía de derechos, el acceso a la justicia y la prevención de la violencia.

Nota: esta es una versión preliminar del Informe de Investigación.

Abstract in English

This research report maps the use of different mechanisms to mainstream gender equality in 38 municipalities in Colombia. The study investigates the levels of institutional support, political participation, sexual violence, employment, and climate change policies, concerning women. The selected municipalities include 19 capitals of departments and 19 smaller municipalities prioritised by the Colombian government for the implementation of the peace agreement called PDETs. The authors also analyse the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 on Gender Equality by the municipalities. The research shows a significant improvement in the participation of women in municipal administration. However, it also highlights the existence of serious restrictions for women to participate in politics, the resources for gender equality programs are very limited and institutional mechanisms such as gender commissions need to be strengthened. Furthermore, weaknesses in the institutional capacity and lack of resources of the local governments are limiting or weakening the provision of services, the guarantee of rights, access to justice, and the prevention of violence.

Note: this is a preliminary version of the report.

Publication Type
Research Reports
Project Area
Inclusive leadership and governance
Sustainable Development Goals
5 - Gender equality
Gender Equality
Gender, Gender equality,

Mainstreaming Migrant Rights for Gender Equality: Lessons from Lisbon and Barcelona

Mainstreaming, a governance strategy based on coordination between government levels and the involvement of various policy sectors and actors (including institutional, private and civil society), is often adopted by local governments in different policy realms, including in managing migration and integration at the local level. Overall, mainstreaming migrant integration has the potential to enhance migrants´ rights and can be a significant force in achieving gender equality. Given the challenges and dynamics posed by the feminisation of migration, city leaders can contribute to promote migrants´ rights and gender equality by including migrants – and migrant women – in policy making, taking into account local contexts and challenges, even when these are part of national and international dynamics.

This policy brief is a result of the ICLD Local Democracy Academy 2020

Publication Type
Policy Briefs
Project Area
Inclusive leadership and governance
Sustainable Development Goals
10 - Reduced inequalities5 - Gender equality
Gender EqualityHuman Rights