Gender champions
ICLD’s international training programme Gender Mainstreaming (2019-2021) have 24 participants from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Here are some of them.
– My expectations of the Gender Mainstreaming ITP is that I wish to learn from the other African countries how they tackle the gender inequalities and I want to learn from the programme if a country like Sweden is progressed because of other cultural and social norms when it comes to gender attitudes and steroetypes, says Kondwani Simukoko, District Planning Officer in Mushindamo municipality in Zambia, where the teams´ change process adresses inclusion of gender in planning and budgeting.
– Why I am a Gender Champion?
Where I come from, women have always had only half the value of men. I want to change that. I want to empower women through sensitization so they can venture, earn money, and engage fully in the society, especially in the Transport section, says Jackline Ndanu Mauta, Director of Transport in Machakos. The teams change process is adressing gender mainstreaming in public transport in Machakos County, Kenya.
– We want stable families in a sustainable community. It is the women an children that are the victims of inequalities and genderbased violence. We need education for both women, youth and men to end this, says Magdalena Honest, Health and GBV coordinator in Temeke municipality in Tanzania, where the team have a change process working on the ending of men abandoning women and children.
-I have accuired deeper knowledge on gender Mainstreaming as a strategy during this first workshop, that will help me contributing in the work with our teams change process on gender responsive planning and budgeting, says Richard Otika Lukumoi, Senior Probation and Welfare Officer in Amuru District LG in Uganda.