Focus on Equity and Inclusion at ICLD-workshop in Belgrade

During 2017 the Municipal Partnership Programme has set a stronger focus on Equity and Inclusion. The workshop in Belgrade gave the participant an opportunity to exchange experiences in the field of Equity and Inclusion, to further increase their organisation’s awareness, knowledge and capacity in Equity and Inclusion and – to discuss challenges, success factors and results of the Municipal Partnership Programme.
“It would be very interesting to see project results and changes”, says Visnja Bacanovic after the workshop.
On the second of a three-day workshop there was a strong focus on Equity and Inclusion when Torbjörn Messing, Sweden and Višnja Baćanović gave a full day training.
Was there any special event or experience during the workshop you would like to highlight a little extra, Visnja?
“I would say the motivation of the participants. A success factor is always a small and dedicated group of people. In this case the local teams are already dedicated since they got this far in the process”.
How do you find the prospect of successfully implementing SDG # 5 at a local level in your community?
“It is important to increase promotion of SDG in general as well as integration in local development planning. It may be useful to support development of indicators for SGD#5 at the local level”, says Višnja Baćanović.
Gender equality and inclusion – what challenges do you see?
“Lack of data and constant need for reminding people on various groups of beneficiaries, as well as unequal position of different groups”.
Capacitating women in politics – who are the key people to get impact at the municipal level?
¬“Key people are members of political parties – those at the top level, usually mayors or other male leaders. Female networks can also provide a good solution, together with constant cooperation with women’s movements and gender experts”.