Call for Mentors in South Africa, Botswana and Zambia
ICLD is making a call for national Mentors in South Africa (2 persons), Botswana (one) and Zambia (one) for the ICLD local government network Partnerships for Human Rights which includes the International Training Programme “Inclusive Local Governance”.
The main responsibility of the mentor is to support a team of public officials and a civil society representative from the networks’ eight local governments in South Africa, Zambia and Botswana with their Municipal partnerships and their International training programmes, ITP.
Each team will be working on one dilemma, related to human rights, participatory democracy, and inclusive local governance.
The mentor should have the following qualifications:
- be well versed in local governance, human rights and participatory democracy;
- be experienced in the planning, implementation and follow up of projects;
- have knowledge and understanding of the national context from a local governance perspective;
- be an experienced educator;
- have an excellent command of the national language and of English;
- have connections, knowledge and/or experience on Local Government / Municipalities;
- have experience from an international context (training, work, education or other);
- be experienced in change management, communication and coaching of others.
Previous knowledge of Local Governance and/or interest in applying in the local government context is essential.
Mentor questions
We also require that you include the answer of the following “mentors questions” in you application with a maximum of 3500 characters):
- Why did you choose to apply to be a mentor?
- Describe your experience working with Human rights at local governance, Human rights/human rights-based approach and/or participatory democracy
- In your understanding, what are the strengths of and challenges for local governments and their local communities (from a rights-based approach?) in your country?
- How do you envision that you want to work with the team or teams assigned to you, to support them?
- How will you and your experience help the teams implement sustainable/organizational change in their municipality/district?
Interested applicants should send a CV and a letter of interest including answers to the “mentor questions”:
Shortlisted applicants will be contacted for a live interview in November, 2021.
Deadline for the applications: 31 October 2021