Call for mentor in Georgia for the training programme on human rights

International Training Programmes (ITPs) are used as one of the tools in Swedish global development policy to alleviate poverty. In co-operation with Sida, the International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) offers ITPs as one of several methods to support institutional and capacity development at the local level in low- and middle-income countries. The ITPs are specially designed to meet the needs for capacity and competence development in co-operation countries and to support Sweden’s development goals. In the long-term perspective the programmes are intended to contribute to strengthening institutional capacity in the participant countries.
The training programme is organized by ICLD and is open to applicants from eight European countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Northmacedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine. In the present programme, teams from Albania, Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine have been accepted. The programme is designed for professionals who work actively with topics related to human rights, local development and management and who hold positions in their institutions with a mandate to run processes of change. Each accepted team consists of a total of 3 – 4 persons where at least one is a politically elected person on the local level, at least one is professional from the local administration and a minimum of one representative comes from grass root oranisaion. The methodology assumes that the local authorities involved wishes to become more sustainable and is willing to invest own resources to achieve changes. Training is focused on support to change projects. The change projects should be well established in the team’s organization and are a basic part of the programme concept.

Please check the below pdf for practical details on how to apply.