Applications for research support is now closed
ICLD implements the programme on intensified Swedish Russian local cooperation. The objective of the programme is to strengthen the local level in Russia and in Sweden through the establishment of new forms for dynamic cooperation in project form between Russian and Swedish municipalities and regions/counties. The intensive cooperation projects shall focus on one of the themes environment/energy/sustainability or the inclusion of persons with functional variations in society.Target group for the programme are Russian and Swedish civil servants who will increase their competence and their capacity through the concrete cooperation projects. Through these an increased equitable and transparent local government will be enabled with increased participation of citizens.
As a part of this programme the ICLD opened up the opportunity for Swedish and Russian researchers to apply for funding in order to investigate local government function in Sweden and in Russia.
This call for proposals for funding was open until midnight CET February 28th 2017.
Proposals are now being assessed by the project management in cooperation with the ICLD Knowledge Centre looking at the below criteria:
– Proposal includes both Swedish and Russian researchers.
– Proposal addresses general challenges local governments face.
– Proposal addresses gender equitable local governance.