8,4 million SEK granted for municipal partnerships

Eight partnerships between Swedish municipalities and international partners have been granted over 8 million SEK.
Among the partnerships that receive the democracy millions from ICLD we found for example, Region Östergötland in Sweden, with its project “Developing cancer health care through institutional collaboration” together with Uasin Gishu in Kenya. The aim is to work for a more equal care in cancer care.
Forshaga municipality, Sweden, with Lundazi District Council in Zambia, will work in a project that aims for the parties to share experiences of dealing with climate change issues. The name of the project: “Involve and educate the whole municipality/district in climate issues”.
With the project “Together Towards Sustainable Development Goals”, Region Gotland, Sweden, will together with its partner Kibaha in Tanzania, run a project for increased knowledge in schools about the global goals.
Hultsfred Municipality will together with its partner Elgeyo Marakwet County in Kenya begin a one-year inception phase on the theme of civil dialogue.
The City of Gothenburg continues their partnership with Nelson Mandela Bay in South Africa, where themes such as integration, youth perspectives, and urban planning will be reviewed as potential future areas of cooperation.
The municipality of Åmål and the municipality of Jönköping will continue their work within the framework of the Human Rights network together with their respective South African partners.