Swedish partner: Robertsfors kommun

Robertsfors och Machakos, Kenya

Project: Climate action

As per the Kenya National Climate Change Action Plan, Kenya’s 2010 Constitution and Vision 2030, the importance of participation of the diversity of the Kenyan people in environmental matters such as climate change is noted. This is specifically entrenched in Article 69(1) (e) the Constitution 2010, which states, that “the state shall encourage public participation in the management, protection and conservation of the environment”. The same is required of the Robertsfors Municipality in environmental management Agenda 2030.

The aim of the project is to enhance the capacity of both Machakos County Government and Robertsfors Municipality to act on climate change and lower emissions of greenhouse gases.

In Machakos, a focus will be put on actions against deforestation through formulation, implementation and evaluation of a plan of action.

In Robertsfors, the emphasis will be on lower emissions of greenhouse gases and a plan of action regarding this will be formulated, implemented, and evaluated.

For both organizations, communication will be a crucial part of the project in order to secure transparency and the possibility for citizen participation. By making clear and accessible plans of actions, it becomes possible for citizens to hold decision makers accountable.

Project Area
Environment/Climate change
Sustainable Development Goals
13 - Climate action
Swedish partner
Robertsfors kommun
International partner
Machakos Municipality

Robertsfors and Machakos, Kenya

Project: Actions for Gender Equality

The long term objective with the project is to develop Robertsfors’ and Machakos’ implementation function regarding policies and their steering methods to reach set gender equality goals, to create more equal societies.

The results from this work will be that the actors adjust, renew and carry out the equality activities that already are present. The actors will together also produce new structures and methods for the future gender equality work, based on their local needs and contexts. Through the planed committees within both of the actors, inclusion, participation, transparency and accountability will be produced and strengthened.

Project Area
Inclusive leadership and governance
Sustainable Development Goals
5 - Gender equality
Swedish partner
Robertsfors kommun
International partner

Wake Up Call!

The purpose of the project is to decrease the number of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases in both countries by increasing the knowledge.

To introduce obligatory sexual education in Busia is a hope. Establishment of Counselling and guidance committees in the schools, Peer Education groups, and Straight Talk Clubs will be a key strategy aimed at capturing and involving all the children in the selected schools.

The project also intends to reach out to the parents so as to encourage them provide the necessities for their children and avoid exposing them to child labor that risks their lives. Our Swedish youth can learn and understand through hearing the voice of youngsters living with HIV / AIDS near them. It is much easier to understand than if you read in books. They will see the consequences. The red thread is to increase the condom use in both countries.

Project Area
Social care and wellbeing
Swedish partner
Robertsfors kommun
International partner
Busia City Council

Help-desks for sustainable livelihood in Busia and Robertsfors

The long-term objective of this project is the development of Robertsfors and Busia as good examples of municipalities who works for and with sustainable livelihood based on well informed situational and strategic analysis.

Results from this work will be new business, job opportunities, creative networks which will deliver sustainable livelihood for people, households, business and organization. Results will also be a growing sense in each municipality that change and improvements are possible.

The objective of this project, for the time it is funded, is to create an help-desk, integrated in and governed by the councils, with a long-term mandate, who enhances and supports the development of sustainable livelihood in each municipality through advise, training and activities relevant for different target-groups.

Project Area
Local economic development, innovation and livelihoods
Swedish partner
Robertsfors kommun
International partner
Busia Municipality

Youth for Democracy and Human Rights

Overall Objective:
The vision of this project is to create outstanding sustainable platforms, which endure over times, in both municipalities for youth which enhances their participation, democratic activity and human rights.

This would be a forum for youth, in which they can express themselves, having dialogue between themselves and with different stakeholders, on issues that are of concern for youth in their respective municipality. This project should be perceived as a continuance of the project “Creating Capacity Centers for Sustainable Development”, which supported sharing of information, learning and initiatives for sustainable development in both Robertsfors and Machakos. This should also be perceived as project supporting the ideas and goals in the governing documents, i.e strategic plans, for both municipalities.

Project Objective:
The objective of this project is to build youth forum for democracy and human rights in both municipality, which has a sufficient stability and capacity for developing towards outstanding platforms for youth.

The specific objectives for this project are the following:

  • to find out among the youth in both municipalities how they perceive democratic possibilities and human rights situation in their municipalities
  • to identify entry points, activities, strategies and organizational possibilities which will enhance democratization and human rights for youth both municipalities
  • to educate youth in both municipalities on democracy and human rights, and on environmental challenges from a rights-based perspective
  • to establish support and understanding for the importance of this project in the community
Project Area
Swedish partner
Robertsfors kommun
International partner

Creating capacity centers for sustainable development

This application concerns one of three projects within the partnership between Robersfors, Sweden and Machakos, Kenya. A formal agreement for co-operation and partnership between Robertsfors and Machakos was signed in 2007. This partnership seeks to build the conditions which establish a base for long term sustainable change.

Through this partnership both municipalities focus on producing long-term and functional platforms for sustainable development in each municipality. By platforms we mean:

  • action plans for sustainable development
  • capacity centres that makes learning, co-operation and further development possible, and
  • concrete good examples that is sustainable, tangible and visible.

Expected results: The platforms are to be seen as interlinked with each other, where no one can be neglected. The action-plan, built on a thorough analysis of principles, needs, conditions and strategies, is necessary when planning for sustainable change. The capacity center is necessary for learning and communication. Good examples are necessary for creating visible and sustainable results, and for motivating citizens. These 3 platforms could be summarized in 3 words – planning, learning, doing – each as important as the other.

Project Goals are:

  • To develop an attractive meeting ground for the stake-holders in Robertsfors and Machakos, that supports learning for sustainable development.
  • To develop this meeting ground, so it becomes relevant for other municipalities.

Target groups for this project are:

  • Communicators, educators and analysts in each municipality
  • Politicians and civil servants in each municipality
Project Area
Environment/Climate change
Swedish partner
Robertsfors kommun
International partner
Machakos Municipality