Swedish partner: Östersunds kommun

Alfred Nzo Waste Buy-back center

Objectives of the project are:

  • to address and eradicate waste related issues within the Alfred Nzo District
  • to raise awareness about waste management
  • to encourage members of the communities within ANDM to clean-up their villages
  • to create job opportunities for Alfred Nzo community members through waste collection.

Expected results:

  • Alfred Nzo District is expected to be clean once the proposed project is operational.
  • A number of job opportunities will be created through the buyback center.
  • Alfred Nzo Communities will be well informed and knowledgeable about proper waste management practices.
  • Landfill site lifespan will increase and less money will be spent on authorization of new landfill sites.
Project Area
Environment/Climate change
Swedish partner
Östersunds kommun
International partner
Alfred Nzo District MunicipalityAlfred Nzo Municipality

Methods and Leadership

The cooperation around methods and leadership has been going on between the two municipalities since May 2008 and has developed to be the solid ground in the cooperation.

The projects goals is to make the municipal work distinct and develop the work regarding 3 focus areas: organization, steering and target fulfillment.

The overall results, through successful target fulfillment, is defined to be a more efficient economy of resources, increased participation, particularly within the municipal organization but also with the citizens. The measurable results is set to be skilled trained officials and politicians within the three areas, through joined workshops/skills training activities, more distinct strategies and actionsplans, measure documents for how the three areas should reach target fulfillment. The project is planned from a 5 year perspective, but with applications made on a one-year basis.

Project Area
Inclusive leadership and governance
Swedish partner
Östersunds kommun
International partner
Alfred Nzo Municipality

Leadership, methods and jobshadowing, part 2

Östersund Municipality and Alfred Nzo have since 2006 worked with leadership – and organizational issues.

In this project we are working with the methods that have already been implemented, following up the work that has been done and see how we can move forward to meet the objectives set up in the application. During the past year, two jobshadowing activities have taken place within LED (local economic development) and Finance, one in Östersund and one in Alfred Nzo. In addition, a workshop has taken place in Alfred Nzo.

The result so far in this project indicates that the trust between politicians and officials as well as politicians and citizens has been improved and the implementation of strategic documents/methods continues. Knowledge has been passed at jobshadowing activities in LED and Finance with has lead to development of both parties. The biggest challenge now before us is to introduce the two new local municipalities to the partnership and make them receptive to the methods elaborated/implemented so far in the project.

Project Area
Inclusive leadership and governance
Swedish partner
Östersunds kommun
International partner
Alfred Nzo District Municipality