Swedish partner: Karlskrona kommun

New partnership: Karlskrona and Saldanha Bay

We congratulate Saldanha Bay Local Municipality and Karlskrona Municipality on their newly established municipal partnership. The two municipalities will work on involving youth in democratic processes, with a focus on climate issues. The partnership is part of ICLD’s Climate network.

-Through this project, we aim to involve the local youth community in local government strategies on the natural environment, the SDGs, and the impact of climate change. At the end of this project, local youth, destined to become future leaders, must understand their role in ensuring a sustainable future,” says Rene Tosie, Senior Manager at Saldanha Bay municipality and a participant in the municipal partnership.

ICLD wishes both communities the best of luck, and we look forward to following the partnership project.

Sustainable Development Goals
13 - Climate action
Swedish partner
Karlskrona kommun
International partner
Saldanha Bay Local Municipality
climate action, youth inclusion,

Karlskrona and Saldanha Bay, South Africa

Karlskrona and Saldanha Bay Municipality will together adress the problem of Limited capacity to include youth in decision-making processes. Particularily when it comes to climate adaption issues since these may disproportionately impact youth.

The objectives in Saldanha bay are focused around inclusion of underrepresented groups, as well as political committment on this issue:

  • The community and the youth in particular regularly and meaningfully participate in issues of climate change.
  • Engagement and education with councillors is a standing item on portfolio meetings, and these include climate change discussion.

The partners will learn more about social and ecological sustainability challenges in the respective municipalities, as well as exchange how their respective Youth council are organised. These councils are key for democracy and sustainability reasons, specifically concerning climate action. The partnership is also part of the ICLD Climate Action network.

Project Area
Environment/Climate changeInclusive leadership and governance
Sustainable Development Goals
13 - Climate action17 - Partnerships for the goals4 - Quality education
Child rights and youth participationGender EqualityHuman RightsParticipatory democracy, citizen dialogues and budgeting
Swedish partner
Karlskrona kommun
International partner
Saldanha Bay Local Municipality

Karlskrona and Chortkiv, Ukraine

Project: Democracy through adult education

Karlskrona and Chortkiv, Ukraine, will together address the lack of participation of vulnerable groups, including older people and people with disabilities, in social and educational programmes. This problem is related to limited access to services and resources, which jeopardises the realisation of their fundamental rights and opportunities.

The objectives in Chortkiv are focused around Policy Prioritisation as well as Inclusion of minorities and underrepresented groups on this issue:

• Awareness among MPs of the importance of education

• The organisation works effectively with minorities and underrepresented groups.

Among other things, Chortkiv wants to learn about the history of folk high schools in Karlskrona and Sweden, as a model of democratic education, understanding their role in promoting civic participation and social change. Connecting to the principles of folk high schools, such as inclusivity and community engagement. They will study how the democratic ideals of folk high schools can inform contemporary global challenges, inspiring solutions that uphold democratic values. The exchange and peer learning will also focus on Student Influence and Participation.

The partnership is part of the Network for Democratic resilience

Project Area
Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality education
Gender EqualityHuman Rights
Swedish partner
Karlskrona kommun
International partner
City of Chortkiv

Youth Policy (based on the LUPP Survey)

After a project concerning youth, culture and social conditions in our both municipalities we felt a need to develop our results and use a more scientific approach. We heard about the LUPP survey, a local follow-up of youth policy in municipalities. It is developed in Sweden by the Swedish National Board of Youth Affairs and is every year offered to all municipalities and has been used by more than 50% of all. The areas are work, leisure, school, health, politics and influence, sense of safety and future.

LUPP gives the municipalities knowledge about the conditions and also a platform for the youth to speak their minds.

It is also a condition that the results must be disseminated and debated to the citizens. Together we put in a lot of effort to translate and adapt the LUPP into a South African environment and culture and the surveys were carried out 2009 in Karlskrona and 2010 in Pretoria. Now the two municipalities are busy to learn from the study, make comparisons and think about implementation.

From the start we promised all players and stakeholders present at the information and presentation seminar in Pretoria to come back with the results and move from theory to practice. We need to include the youth on both sides in the implementation as well. An important thing is also to identify development areas and learn from each other’s strengths and improve our policies and practice. We have had enquiries from municipalities both in Sweden and from other countries who are interested to use the survey in international partnerships.

Project Area
Social care and wellbeing
Swedish partner
Karlskrona kommun
International partner
Tshwane Municipality District south

The School Compass – Finalization of a municipal comparison

The aim is to create, try and evaluate a method for comparison in the purpose to ease understanding about leadership and operation control during partnership projects between different countries and also focus on the management results concerning structural quality, process quality and result quality.

The focus is on education. We have translated and transformed a Swedish evaluation tool, the School Compass into a South African environment and used it as a comparison between two different municipalities: Tshwane (Pretoria/District South ) and Karlskrona. We have seen strengths and weaknesses made visible by the School Compass. 

The results have been very interesting and useful as shown in the reports and analysis. We have also found that the School Compass can be used internationally but it needs preparation and adaption to the international cultural environment and administrative structures. The practical work with the evaluation tool took longer time than expected so the finalizing of the project is still to be done. We now apply for the last step of the project so we can have the mutual evaluation /analysis seminars. We need to have two seminars in both municipalities and also on basis of these make a final documentation of the project, discuss and give example of the implementation of the results.

Project Area
Inclusive leadership and governance
Swedish partner
Karlskrona kommun
International partner
Tshwane Municipality District south