Swedish partner: Vetlanda kommun

Pre-emtive rescue service

The developed relationship, through the cooperation in this project, has resulted in a better understanding of the provision of high level services to citizens of Vetlanda Municipality by the Namibian counterpart and the difficulties the Kavango Region faces in the delivery of similar services to its citizens in the Kavango Region. Mutual understanding has been developed and will continue to develop during this project.

Local Government staff of Kavango Regional Council will continue to receive training and education by their counterparts of Vetlanda Municipality. To prepare for these capacity building programs Vetlanda staff has visited the Kavango Regional Council / Okavango River Basin area and will continue to do so in the future.

Both the capacity building programs and visits have contributed to develop mutual respect for the way both regions function and ideas for improvement exchanged.

Kavango Regional Council is dealing with a number of social issues (HIV/ AIDS, teenage pregnancies, orphans, informal settlement, etc.) which are no big issues in Vetlanda Municipality. The way the Kavango Regional Council deals with these issues has been a new experience for Vetlanda Municipality officials. Both the Kavango Regional Council and the Vetlanda Municipality have therefore gained knowledge, insights and a better understanding of the cultural diversity which have been mutually beneficial and this will continue during this project.

The Kavango Regional Council also has to deal with the impact of global climate change; especially floods have caused a lot of damage in the last few years. For Vetlanda Municipality officials it has been a very good experience to witness the effects of global climate change on a region in a developing country and the way the Kavango Regional Council is dealing with the flood disaster.

It is also so that the Rescue Service department within Vetlanda Municipality can give high level services to citizens of Vetlanda Municipality because of long time development and good supply of equipment. The Rescue Service departments in the Town Councils within Kavango Region have solve problems in a different and maybe sampler way that can be of use for the Swedish counterpart.

Project Area
Inclusive leadership and governance
Swedish partner
Vetlanda kommun
International partner
Vetlanda Municipality

Waste Management Plan for Kavango Region

The waste in the region is not taken care of in an environmental, economic and social acceptable way. The region doesn’t have any excising waste managing plan. The Kavango Regional Council’s and the town council’s capacity to handle waste management in an administrative acceptable way is not enough developed.

The overall objective of the project is that the citizens in the Kavango Region will have the sustainable long-term system for the management of waste, an increased quality of life and a better local democracy.

The impact from waste to the environment and to people has dramatically decreased. A long-term environmentally and economic sustainable system for recycling of for instance tin-cans, plastic bottles, metal and plastic has been implemented.

The project will give sufficient knowledge and experience from Vetlanda Municipality to Kavango Regional Council and the Town Councils in the region to complete a waste management plan containing a new waste disposal site, a national and local recycling system, an environmentally and economically sustainable transport system for waste and an increased public awareness.

Project Area
Urban planning
Swedish partner
Vetlanda kommun
International partner
Kavango Regional Council

Development of rescue service

Vetlanda municipality and the rescue service department gave Kavango Region a used fire truck in 2008. The use of the truck will be divided between the three cities within Kavango Region.

Delegates from Kavango region will be educated in the use of the fire truck and all the management of a rescue service in Sweden. The delegates will be working together with their Swedish collegues in their ordinary work and will also be informed about the Swedish legislations and rescue service organisatioon.

The next step is support to establishment of the fire truck such as needed surrounding equipment and to give the Swedish delegates more knowledge about the conditions in Kavango Region.

The output of the project will be:

  • The delegates from Kavango will have the knowledge and capacity to handle the fire truck.
  • The delegates from Kavango will have knowledge and information about the management of rescue service in Sweden.
  • The delegates fromn Sweden will have knowledge about the conditions in Kavango concerning rescue service.
  • An infromation folder have been produced.
Project Area
Technical Services and Infrastructure
Swedish partner
Vetlanda kommun
International partner