Ale and Ghanzi, Botswana and Budesti, Moldova
Project: Dropouts and problematic school absenteeism
The idea of the project arose as the result of 3-party collaboration among Ale Kommun from Sweden, Ghanzi district from Botswana and Budesti community from Moldova.
The goal of the project varies from partner to partner. For Ale Kommun the project is ultimately contributing to good mental and physical health of students, low risk for drug abuse, crime and social exclusion. For Ghanzi and Budesti the project contributes to equal and independent society.
The purpose of the project is to ensure sufficient organizational capacity (of the local educational and governing institutions) to lower number of dropouts and decrease problematic absenteeism.
Project outputs are mostly common for partners. Among them are efficient cooperation among involved organisations, reduced bullying, ealy good support, efficient cooperation between parents and school, secure and conducive atmosphere at schools and hostels, teachers trained in how to increase attendance rates, improved access to school for children from remote areas, improved endowment of schools, increased interest in formal education and decreased number of teenage pregnancies.
Project activities envisage elaboration of community strategies and actions plans on prevention of drop out and problematic absenteeism, bullying and teenage pregnancies, improving efforts for early and good support, creating systems for absenteeism and bullying control and follow up, undertaking training program (on dropouts, bullying and study motivation) for teachers, administrative leaders, learners, farmers, parents and hostel staff, improving atmosphere, security and dotation at schools, interest clubs and hostels, student and parents surveys, meetings with parents, additional activities for students at risk of dropout, promotion of interest in formal education.
The project is planned for 2018-2020.