Morogoro Municipality is about 195 kilometers to the west of Dar es Salaam and is situated on the lower slopes of Uluguru Mountains whose peak is about 1,600 feet above sea level. According to Population and Housing Census of 2012, the population of the Municipality was 315,866 people of which 164,166 were women and 151,700 were men.
We want to collaborate in technical Municipal Services in Waste management due to the fact that, Municipality has
- Low climate change ,mitigation and adaptation
- Low capacity to address climate change consequences
- Inadequate fund for proper waste management
- Illegal dumping
- Insufficient vehicles for waste transportation from generation point to final disposal
- Lack of street dustbins
- Lack of waste segregation at generation point
- Insufficient buckets for temporary waste storage
- Uncontrolled dump site that lead to land pollution , underground ,surface water pollution
Read the full Declaration of Interest from Morogoro!
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