Samarbetsland: Turkiet

Admission requirements

Invited countries

All countries on the OECD-DAC listed ODA-eligible countries, are eligible for the programme, but if a local election is held during the year when the training takes place, the country is temporarily taken off the list. See this list

Target group

Only elected women politicians (currently in office) in a local/regional government will be considered. ICLD will prioritize applicants holding a position of Mayor or Deputy Mayor but will also exceptionally accept applicants who are Councilors. We at ICLD aim to create a group that includes both majority and opposition politicians, as well as a diversity of ages and experience. ICLD trainings are open to all that are eligible, irrespective of physical ability.

Candidates who have previously participated in an ICLD training programme financed by Sida cannot apply for this programme.

Language requirements

The training programme will be organised and conducted in English. Proficiency in English shall be indicated in the Application form.

Health requirements

Considering the training programme consists of international travels and work away from home in a new environment, good health and ability to work without health restrictions is required. You need to be enjoying full working capacity and to be able to engage in an active programme with long days of seminars, study visits and interactive networking. It is therefore recommended that candidates undergo a medical examination before filling in the Medical Statement in the Application form.

Other requirements

The outline of the problem to be addressed by the change process will be of crucial importance in the selection of participants. Once selected, the participant is required to attend all scheduled parts of the 12-months programme and must have approval to participate in all aspects of the program from her local authority. She is required to actively participate in the workshops and complete assignments between workshops (journals, reports).

Due to the nature of the programme, family members are NOT allowed to accompany participants to the programme.


All training costs pertaining to lectures, literature, documentation, study tours and certain social activities as well as accommodation and food will also be covered by the organiser. All international travel costs related to the programme will be covered by the programme organiser. Costs for personal expenses are not included and are the responsibility of the participant or her organisation.


Participants are responsible for obtaining all relevant visas during all scheduled parts of the programme. The costs for obtaining visas are to be borne by the participant. It is important to start the Visa process as soon as possible after beeing invited to the programme and to specific workshops.


All participants are covered under a group insurance while on scheduled parts of the programme. Medical and dental checkups are not included.


Participants who successfully complete all scheduled parts will be awarded a Certificate of completion of training.

Application process

This information will soon be updated with dates for closing dates in 2024. Application shall be made electronically, via link here below and include a recent photograph and all required information and documents. An outline of the problem to be addressed by the change process shall be submitted as part of the application and plays a key role in the selection of participants.

The change process must be described in the application and you will be asked to describe:

  • The societal challenge/problem for change you want to address
  • Describe which democratic components – equity, participation, transparency and accountability – that are particularly crucial for addressing the challenge and its development to lead to better local democracy
  • In which way this work will anticipate citizens’ needs

The application page contains details of what to include with your application. After an initial selection, a few chosen candidates will be invited for the interview, after which the final round of selection will take place.

ICLD operates anti-discrimination policy and all training courses are open to anyone despite the physical ability. If you have some physical disability, please let us know so we can solve all the practical issues that may arise.

The activities in the programme will be carried out on-site or digitally. If the situation occurs that we are forced to postpone workshops due to unforeseen situations, we at the ICLD will suggest new dates when the majority of participants can participate. If no dates are possible, ICLD will consider carrying out the workshop digitally.

Inclusive leadership and governance

Programme structure

The training consists of three compulsory workshops, of which all three are full time scheduled trainings. Periods between workshops are homebased. The total duration of the programme is 12 months.

When will cohort 11 take place:
The Inception workshop will be held in late January 2025
The Swedish Phase workshop will most likely take place in September 2025
The Final workshop will take place in January 2026

All workshops except the Swedish Phase workshop will be held in the participating countries. The Swedish Phase workshop will be carried out in Sweden.

Phase 1
Inception workshop

(5-6 days including travels)

More exact location to be decided

After confirmed selection, the participants will be contacted by a programme manager at ICLD and invited to the Inception workshop.

The participants and the programme management develop a shared understanding of the content, structure, methodology and management of the programme. Topics addressed in this workshop, among others: teambuilding and networking, developing the change process, and introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals. The tuition during the inception workshop consists of group discussions and lectures with a combination of Swedish and/or international experts from the region.

The Inception workshop will be held over the course of three days in one of the participating countries.

Work with the Change Process (6-7 months, in home country)

Back in their respective local communities the participants will continue to develop their Change Process. Participants will actively use web-based tools for interaction with facilitators and other participants.

Phase 2
Swedish Phase workshop

(2 weeks in Sweden including travels)

Participants will meet in Sweden for a cultural exchange, advanced leadership training, introduction to Swedish women politicians/mentors and a two-day study visit to a Swedish municipality or region. Topics of study will include, among others: the Swedish model of governance, gender equality and good governance, anti corruption, communication skills and how to be a good role model among other things. Tuition consists of interactive lectures and group discussions with Swedish and international experts combined with study excursions, group work and discussions.

Phase 3
Final workshop

(5 days including travels)

More exact location to be decided

The participants and the Swedish mentors meet in one of the participating countries. The goal of this workshop is to summarize and share the challenges, opportunities and
lessons learned throughout the programme. The participants will present their Change Process results. The programme also includes study visits and lectures provided by the ICLD and relevant lecturers. This workshop marks the formal end of the programme.

Learning processes

The programme employs a mixture of pedagogical methods such as lectures, group work, forum discussions, study visits and facilitated support by the assigned mentors. Support for planning, implementation and evaluation of the Change Project is mainstreamed throughout the whole programme. The number of participants is limited to 25 in order to ensure a close working relationship between participants, ICLD-staff, mentors and lecturers.

Management and staff

All the three phases of the International Training Programme are carried out under the support and management of the ICLD. In addition, the programme is supported by Swedish mentors being selected by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR).

Inclusive leadership and governance

Programme objectives

The programme aims to provide the following changes in the participant: 

  • Empower the participant with improved leadership skills  
  • Help the participant to fully utilize the power and influence of her position  
  • Strengthen her as a role model to encourage political participation among marginalized groups  
  • Give her access to a network of women in similar positions

During the training, the participant will work on her change process and implement a strategy to make the local authority equitable, participatory, transparent and accountable. 


  • Valuable exchange of knowledge and experiences
  • Extended regional and international networks
  • Improved skills as a “change agent” in initiating and implementing instituational change
  • Skills and abilities to communicate and advocate on issues of inclusive governance
  • Three-day study-visit in a Swedish municipality or region
  • Support to improve participation, equality, transparency and accountability in the local governance

What we will offer:

  • Advanced training in communication, strategic planning and leadership
  • Swedish mentorship including an individual three-day study visit in a Swedish municipality or region
  • International exposure to different political experiences
  • An opportunity for your municipality to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)


  • Through skills training workshops on site or digitally
  • Identification of challenges and finding solutions to issues faced by women politicians
  • By offering strategic support and coaching from ICLD staff and mentors
  • In sharing of professional obstacles and successes in an inclusive environment

Change process

The participant is expected to develop and work with a change process of her choice during the training. The change process should address a real problem of concern to the politician, thus contribute to translating the theoretical content of the training programme into capacity development and institutional change within her municipality. The change process aims to increase political accountability, helping leading politicians to better respond to the needs of the citizens. An outline of the problem to be addressed by the change process shall be submitted as part of the application, and plays a key role in the selection of participants. The change process requires strong commitment and involvement of the politician and should lead to the proposal of a solution. Keep in mind that there is NO funding available from ICLD for project implementation.

Inclusive leadership and governance

Programme objectives

Human Rights Based Approach

The main objective of this training programme is to strengthen the ongoing change processes that contribute to social and economic development and to strengthen the institutions in the selected municipalities and regions.

This will be achieved through participating municipalities integrating their work with human rights so that equality, participation, transparency and taking responsibility/demanding responsibility becomes a reality in the municipalities.

Participants will learn new methods for working on rights-based approach at the local level and will gain greater knowledge in gender equality, participation, transparency/anti-corruption and accountability. Varied educational methods are used within the program, but the focus is on dialogical methods and study visits. A further goal of the program is for participants to expand their national and international networks.

This training is aimed at local officials and elected politicians from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine. Participants are accepted in teams of 3 persons from one municipality/organization and apply with a municipal challenge that they will work with throughout the 18 months long international training programme. All parts of the training are based on equity, participation, transparency and accountability, and the goal is to strengthen democracy in the organizations taking part in the programme.


  • Valuable exchange of knowledge and experiences
  • Extended regional and international networks
  • Support to improve participation, equality, transparency and accountability in the local governance

Expected outcomes, the participants will:

  • be familiar with decentralized local government with a rights-based approach, with particular focus on equal opportunity, participation, transparency/ anti-corruption, and accountability.
  • be familiar with local development in a democracy from a comparative perspective.
  • have the tools necessary to support local development and local democracy with a rights-based approach.
  • be able to carry out change management work and strategic planning
  • have expanded their national and international networks within the field of local development, human rights and governance


The Human Rights Based Approach Programme has a strong focus on those who are most marginalized, excluded or discriminated. The goal is therefore to strengthen the institutional capacity and the integration of a rights-based thinking at local level and in the municipal service.

What we will offer:

  • Training in Human Rights, Human Rights Based Approach and communication
  • Exposure to different political experiences
  • Two-day study-visit in a Swedish municipality or region
  • An opportunity for the participating municipality to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
  • Citizen´s dialogue


  • Through various trainings, lectures and workshops
  • Identification of challenges and finding solutions to issues faced by local team members and their organizations
  • By offering strategic support and coaching from ICLD staff and their mentors
  • In sharing of professional obstacles and successes in an inclusive environment

Change projects

Each team of participants, all from the same municipality, is expected to develop and work with a change project during the course of the training. The project constitutes the link between the theoretical knowledge that the participants will acquire during the training and the practical experience needed in the specific situations in which the various participants find themselves. The change project must be of benefit to the community of the team and a description of the project must be appended to the application. The relevance of the suggested change project is an important aspect in the assessment of the applications. Note that the change projects must be supported by participants organisations and will not be financed by the ICLD

Inclusive leadership and governanceLocal economic development, innovation and livelihoodsSocial care and wellbeing
Gender EqualityHuman RightsParticipatory democracy, citizen dialogues and budgeting

Programme structure

Human Rights Based Approach

The training consists of four compulsory workshops, of which all four are full time scheduled trainings. Periods between workshops are homebased. The total duration of the programme is 18 months.

The inception workshop will be held April 4 – April 8, 2022
The follow-up workshop will take place November 21– November 25, 2022.
The Sweden Phase workshop will take place March 6 – March 17, 2023
The final workshop will take place June 19 – June 22, 2023.
All workshops except the Sweden Phase workshop will be held in the participating countries. The Sweden Phase workshop will be carried out in Sweden.

All workshops except the Sweden Phase workshop will be held in the participating countries. The Sweden Phase workshop will be carried out in Sweden.

Phase 1

Inception workshop
(in one of the participating countries; 5 days inclusive travels)

More exact location to be decided.

After confirmed selection, the participants will be contacted by a programme manager at ICLD and invited to the inception workshop. The inception workshop aims to prepare the participants for the programme, while stimulating cooperation between participants, their respective teams and relevant networks. It also provides an opportunity to explore synergies between the planned Change Project outlines and scope for collaborations. Based on the Change Project outlines project design tools will be used to develop Change Project Plans. Each team will be given a mentor from their respective country who will be following the change project closely and also conducting several meetings with their teams. The tuition during the inception workshop consists of group discussions and lectures with a combination of Swedish and/or international experts from the region.

Work with the Change Project (6 months, in home country)

Back in their respective local communities the participants will continue to develop their Change Project. Participants will actively use web-based tools for interaction with facilitators and other participants. The participant will have meetings with their mentors.

Phase 2
Follow-up workshop
(in one of the participating countries, 5 days inclusive travels)

Location is still to be decided.
A follow-up workshop seminar will be arranged in one of the participating countries, for the participants to present the progress of their Change Projects. The workshop provides an opportunity for peer review and a deeper look into the Change Projects. The programme of the follow-up workshop also includes study visits and lectures provided by the ICLD and other relevant lecturers.

Continuation of the work with the Change Project (4 months, in home country)
Back in their respective local communities the participants will continue to work on their Change Project. Participants will actively use web-based tools for interaction with facilitators and other participants. The participant will have meetings with their mentors. The participants must be able to work on their change projects for a minimum of 8 hours/week during this phase.

Phase 3
Sweden Phase workshop (2 weeks)

The Swedish phase consists of a series of lectures, workshops and study visits covering the modules Citizen participation and inclusive decision-making and transparency and other themes with a bearing on human rights integration in local governing. The two weeks in Sweden give the participating teams an understanding of how Swedish local and regional administrations work to achieve such integration. During the Sweden phase, participating teams will also make study visits to Swedish municipalities.
Tuition consists of interactive lectures and group discussions with Swedish and international experts combined with study excursions, group work and discussions. Time is also allocated for review of the Change Project Plan in preparations for implementation through work in small groups led by an ICLD facilitator. Social and networking activities will be arranged to make the Swedish part of the programme a positive experience.

Continuation of the work with the Change Project (4 months, in home country)
Back in their respective local communities the participants will continue to work on their Change Project. Participants will actively use web-based tools for interaction with facilitators and other participants. The participant will have meetings with their mentors. The participants must be able to work on their change projects for a minimum of 8 hours/week during this phase.

Phase 4
Final workshop
(in one of the participating countries; 5 days inclusive travels)

Location is still to be decided.
A final workshop seminar will be arranged in one of the participating countries, for the participants to present their Change Project results. It is also an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the support from municipalities and regions and from the teams’ supervisors who are invited to participate. Certificates are awarded to the participants. This workshop will also contain further lectures on project financing and strategic communication. This workshop marks the formal end of the programme.

Learning processes

The programme employs a mixture of pedagogical methods such as lectures, group work, forum discussions, study visits and facilitated support by the assigned mentors. Support for planning, implementation and evaluation of the Change Project is mainstreamed throughout the whole programme. The number of participants is limited to 24 in order to ensure a close working relationship between participants, ICLD-staff, mentors and lecturers.

Management and staff

All four phases of the International Training Programme are carried out under the support and management of the ICLD. In addition, the programme is supported locally by professional mentors being selected by the ICLD.

Inclusive leadership and governance
Human Rights

Admission requirements

Human Right Based Approach

Invited countries

Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.

Target group

This training aims to empower local and regional governments and administrations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.

The following categories are welcome to apply; politicians, decision-makers and officials from both municipal and regional councils and administrations. As well as applicants from civil society organizations that cooperate with the local or regional administration and working in the field of local development, local democracy, human rights or good governance. (See further down on how to set up a team).

Applicants must be nominated by their organization and it must also be clear that the organization supports the project with which the team intends to work during the course. To apply, you shall form a team of three members. Each team must include the following functions: 1. Politician on the local or regional level. 2 Local or Regional Government official 3. Representative from a voluntary organization (NGO or CSO). The application should clearly identify which member of the team holds which of these roles. Ensure diversity in the team regarding ethnicity, age, gender and/or ability.

Language requirements

The training programme will be organised and conducted in English. Proficiency in English shall be indicated in the Application form.

Health requirements

Considering the training programme consists of international travels and work away from home in a new environment, good health and ability to work without physical/health restrictions if required. It is therefore recommended that candidates undergo a medical examination before filling in the Medical Statement in the Application form.

Other requirements

Nominations are assessed on individual and organisational merits. Maximum 8-9 teams (3 participants each) will be selected to the programme, teams should take into account that the participants bring diversity to the group through their various backgrounds and professional qualifications.

The programme welcomes applications from teams from the same municipality/city/region consisting of one local government official, one elected politician and one representative of a civil society organization.

The outline of the change project, together with the commitment of the home organisation to support active involvement of the participant in the implementation of the project will be of crucial importance in the selection of participants. Once selected, the participants are required to attend all scheduled parts of the programme and a Letter of Commitment is to be signed by the nominating organisation before the start of the programme. Due to the nature of the programme, family members are not allowed to accompany participants to the programme.


All training costs pertaining to lectures, literature, documentation, study tours and certain social activities as well as accommodation and food will also be covered by the organiser. All international travel costs related to the programme will be covered by the programme organiser. Costs for personal expenses are not included and are the responsibility of the participant or his/her organisation.


Participants are responsible for obtaining all relevant visas during all scheduled parts of the programme. The costs for obtaining visas are to be borne by the participant.


All participants are covered under a group insurance while on scheduled parts of the programme. Medical and dental checkups are not included.


Participants who successfully complete all scheduled parts will be awarded a Certificate of completion of training.

Application process

Closing date for applications is November 30, 2021. Please not that the application form states the previous closing date. Application shall be made electronically, via the registration link and it should include a recent photograph, all required information and documents, and an outline of the Change Project aiming at improving the delivery of critical services in an equitable and inclusive way. The change projects must be described in the application and include the following at a minimum:

  • Title of the Change Project
  • Manager/organizational support for change project
  • Background and focal problem
  • Change Project goal

The application page contains details of what to include with your application. After an initial selection, the chosen teams will be invited for an interview, after which the final round of selection will take place.

ICLD operates anti-discrimination policy and all training courses are open to anyone despite the physical ability. If you have some physical disability, please let us know so we can solve all the practical issues that may arise.

The activities in the programme will be carried out on-site or digitally. If the situation occurs that we are forced to postpone workshops due to unforeseen situations, we (at the ICLD) will suggest new dates when many participants can participate. If no dates are possible, ICLD will consider carrying out the workshop digitally.

Inclusive leadership and governanceSocial care and wellbeing
Child rights and youth participationHuman RightsParticipatory democracy, citizen dialogues and budgeting

Workshop i Belgrad för hållbar stadsplanering

Ana-Karin Municio och Klas Klasson från SKL höll i utbildningen tillsammans med programansvarige Lars Lööf från ICLD. Programmets syfte är att öka individers och organisationers kunskap om hur man utvecklar en hållbar stad samt lära ut verktyg och metoder som på ett effektivt sätt är användbara i den lokala kontexten. I slutändan är målet förbättrad hälsa, säkerhet, komfort och livskvalitet för människor som bor i städer.

Deltagarna från de olika städerna fick presentera sina städers olika utmaningar och det visade sig att städerna har mer eller mindre gemensamma utmaningar.
– I en av övningarna fick deltagarna praktiskt lära sig olika metoder genom att gå ut i Belgrad och analysera olika platser. Vi har liknande utmaningar i våra städer, det märks när man träffas så här och då gäller det att fokusera på det som är allmänt för alla städer, säger Ana-Karin Municio.

Att lära av varandra är ett av syftena med utbildningen. Deltagarnas olika bakgrund, förväntningar och kunskaper skapade inga problem, snarare bidrog det till spänstiga diskussioner och givande erfarenhetsutbyten.
– När vi summerade workshopen var alla väldigt positiva vilket känns jättebra. Svårigheten kan vara att forma en sammansvetsad grupp och vi är på god väg känns det som, säger Ana-Karin Municio.

Vilka utmaningar tycker du stadsvandringen gav deltagarna?
– De har nog inte arbetat på det här sättet tidigare så det var roligt att visa dem att denna typ av verktyg och metoder egentligen inte är så komplicerad.
Dialog med medborgarna visade sig vara en gemensam utmaning, men går det att generellt nämna nyckelområden som måste uppfyllas för att jämställdhet och integration ska bli möjlig i stadskvarteren?
– Vi kan inte prata om tekniska lösningar utan om hur kommuner kan arbeta med inkludering av medborgare och olika nyckelaktörer i planering och genomförande. Att ta in medborgarnas synpunkter runt de utmaningar man står inför är viktigt, man ser ju på sin stad på olika sätt.

Fattig eller rik, kvinna eller man, ung eller gammal – perspektiven skiljer sig och de olika perspektiven är viktiga för att få en sammantagen bild av de åtgärder som krävs för att skapa en hållbar stadsmiljö.
– Man måste börja med analysen ”vem är det vi måste ha med i det här arbetet”, säger Ana-Karin.
ITP-utbildningen har tydliga mål på att få fram konkreta och handfasta planer – men viktigt är också att skapa en miljö och nätverk som uppmuntrar deltagarna att ge varandra kraft.

Deltagarna hade med sig egna fall att jobba med, de for hem med en ganska omfattande hemläxa.
– Jo, mycket har de redan påbörjat men visst det är ganska mycket. Man behöver ställa höga mål om kursen ska ge den utdelning vi vill. Deltagarna måste också arbeta i sina hemstäder för att det ska ge resultat. Arbetet med att skapa hållbara städer är ofantligt brett, det är en utmaning att klämma in alla aspekter i den här typen av utbildningar.

Personliga kontakter och ett tryggt sammanhang att ställa frågor i, verkar ha skapat en god grund för gruppen att bygga hållbara städer.
Slutordet från en av deltagarna sätter fingret på hur väl Belgradutbildningen föll ut: ”ITP-system is good, we learn from each other. Now we are family”.
– Man skulle vilja att de efter kursen känner att de tillhör ett nätverk där de kan mejla en kollega sina frågor när det uppstår frågor. Vet inte riktigt hur vi kommer dit, kanske behövs det arbetsgrupper där man äger ett projekt tillsammans.

Efter det här första utbildningstillfället i Belgrad träffas gruppen i en regional workshop i maj. Därefter träffas man i oktober för att ta sista stegen i utbildningen 2019 med workshop i februari och juni.

På besök i en politisk vardag i Sverige

Veckan börjar med ett par dagars workshop ihop med de svenska mentorerna. Mentorerna som är 15 till antalet kommer från olika landsting och kommuner i Sverige där de precis som sina adepter är lokala toppolitiker.

På tisdag kväll reser de vidare med sina mentorer till deras hemkommun för ett par dagars studiebesök där de skuggar sin mentor i det dagliga arbetet i den politiska miljön. Alla mentorer kommer från SKL:s ledarprogram för kvinnor som är toppolitiker och samarbetet mellan SKL och ICLD har pågått sedan programmet startade för fyra år sedan.

Deltagarna kommer från Indien, Indonesien, Kenya, Makedonien, Namibia, Serbien, Sydafrika, Tanzania, Turkiet, Uganda, Ukraina och Zambia.

— Programmet spelar en viktig roll för ökad jämställdhet i de lokala politiska församlingarna internationellt. Demokratier behöver starka kvinnor, säger programansvarig Kristin Ekström, ICLD.

Demokratier behöver starka kvinnor

Som en del av det 18 månader långa utbildningsprogrammet träffades 23 internationella toppolitiker i Sverige under två veckor. De tog del av föreläsningar, workshops, studiebesök och gjorde Kommun- eller landstingspraktik hos svenska kollegor. Tack vare ett nära samarbete med SKL är 15 svenska toppolitiker mentorer i ledarprogrammet. Samarbetet stärker ledarskapet både för deltagare och mentorer och bidrar även till att öka jämställdheten eftersom det ger stöd till kvinnor i ledande positioner och skapar förebilder. 

Den första veckan när deltagarna var på plats i Visby innehåller programmet ett besök hos landshövding Cecilia Schelin Seidegård och ett studiebesök på Region Gotland.

De 23 deltagarna från 12 av ICLD:s samarbetsländer antogs i våras till den fjärde omgången av ICLD:s program ”Local Political Leders – Capacitating Women in Politics”. Deltagarna kommer från Indien, Indonesien, Kenya, Makedonien, Namibia, Serbien, Sydafrika, Tanzania, Turkiet, Uganda, Ukraina och Zambia. I april 2016 inleddes utbildningen med workshops i Kisumu, Kenya, för de afrikanska och asiatiska deltagarna samt i maj i Belgrad, Serbien, för deltagarna från östra Europa. 

— Programmet spelar en viktig roll för ökad jämställdhet i de lokala politiska församlingarna internationellt. Demokratier behöver starka kvinnor. Svenska politiska församlingar är de mest jämställda i världen, med 38 procent av kommunstyrelseordföranden som är kvinnor. Det globala genomsnittet är 9 procent toppolitiker som är kvinnor på lokal nivå, säger programansvarig Kristin Ekström, ICLD.

Syftet med utbildningens vistelse i Sverige under oktober var att deltagarna skulle stärkas i sitt politiska ledarskap, genom att få en inblick i folkvalda kvinnors verklighet i Sverige, varvat med föreläsningar och workshops. Den andra veckan, den 24-28 oktober, började med en workshop i Stockholm som arrangerades tillsammans med Lena Lindgren på SKL. Där mötte deltagarna också sina mentorer, som också stod värdar för besöken i en kommun eller ett landsting och dit deltagarna följde med sin värd den 25-27 oktober.

En av mentorerna är Agneta Blom, kommunfullmäktigeordförande i Örebro med 14 års erfarenhet i politiken. 

— Jag är verkligen imponerad av allt engagemang hos dessa kvinnor. Många av dem är i ledande positioner och de försöker inspirera andra kvinnor. Jag kan se att vi har en hel del gemensamt och att vi kan verkligen bidra till varandras utveckling som ledare i hållbara lokala demokratier, säger Agneta Blom.