Regional Focus: Europe
Time: May 2023-2026
ICLD is part of a consortium of European organizations to undertake a large-scale research project on inclusive nature-based solutions (NBS).
TRANS-lighthouses aims to gather evidence on material and immaterial results of NBS in order to rethink and reframe the main elements that compose the complexity of creating social and ecologically just NBS. More than a driving process, the collaborative work on planning and making NBS functional might stimulate a more concerted response towards environmental and climate crises, increasing the commitment of different stakeholders and upscaling their own spheres of action. TRANS-lighthouses adopts a nonlinear perspective and opens up space for the adoption of a fluid and organic position that is able to integrate the diversity of subjects, institutions, knowledge(s), practices and values. TRANS-lighthouses’ ambition is to become a European reference on sociopolitical challenges for supporting NBS projects and solutions. The socio-politics dimension will be part of the public agenda for NBS towards SYSTEMIC CHANGE. This ambition will be achieved by assessing the benefits and limitations of NBS co-creation that have already been implemented and designed, tested and disseminated economically and socially fairer guidelines for NBS implementation. For this purpose, the project will conduct a thorough assessment, grounded on a transdisciplinary approach and critical analysis. Constituting a well-oiled network of citizens, local governments, scientific institutions and civil society-based partners which acts across borders, disciplines and sectors, TRANS-lighthouses will lead research on activities aiming to implement socioeconomic and political changes capable of enabling pathways for a socially and ecologically just implementation of NBS. TRANS-lighthouses integrates a network of NBS lighthouses for urban, rural, coastal and forested areas in 10 EU countries and 6 non-EU.
NBS Lighthouses are:
● local/regional arrangements/platforms bringing together multiple actors;
● to enhance the NBS contributions to social and economic targets;
● to test new governance and co-creation models;
● to adequate NBS responses to different socio-political contexts;
● small-scale but big-picture projects than can be upscaled over time.
Expected output: designing economically and socially fairer guidelines for NBS implementation.
TRANS-Lighthouses is an acronym:
T – Transformative
R – Reflexive
A – Activist
N – Networked
S – Solutions
Lighthouses – shedding light on just and equitable practices to guide the way forwards
ICLD’s role in primarily in the governance and co-creation dimension, aiming to unveil and understand the governance and co-creation context, including under-researched actors, sectors and landscapes, agendas, rules and interactions; to design innovative governance models, towards community-based decisions; and to co-monitor and co-evaluate. We host Local Democracy Labs, and our deliverables will include policy briefs, learning cases and animated videos.
- Centre for Social Studies (CES) Portugal
- Roskilde University (RUC) Denmark
- Technical University of Munich (TUM) Germany
- The Cyprus Institute (CyI) Cyprus
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) France
- Nantes Université (NU) (Affiliated to CNRS) France
- Université Gustave Eiffel (uni. Eiffel) (Affiliated to CNRS) France
- University of Louvain (UCLouvain) Belgium
- Sapienza, Università di Roma (Sapienza) Italy
- University of Extremadura (UEx) Spain
- Universidade dos Açores (UAc) Portugal
- ATHENA Research Centre (ARC) Greece
- Economias BioRegionales (EBR) Spain
- Município de Estarreja (CME) Portugal
- Município de Barcelos (CMB) Portugal
- Ville de Bruxelles – Stad Brussel (Brussels) Belgium
- Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) Sweden
- Associazione Jangada Onlus (Jangada) Italy
- Cooperativa de Incubação de Iniciativas de Economia Solidária (Kairós) Portugal
Associated partners
- Universidad de Chile Chile
- Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
- Universidade de Brasília Brazil
- Prefeitura de São Paulo Brazil
- Tata Institute of social sciences India
- University of Illinois USA
- University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania
- Polycom Development Project, Kenya
- Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brazil
This is an EU-funded project under call HORIZON-CL6-2022-COMMUNITIES-01 (Resilient, inclusive, healthy and green rural, coastal and urban communities)